Read my review of the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra's final concert of the season, "Richmond Conducts Mahler," in this week's Metro Pulse.
The next opportunity to hear the KSO comes in the idyllic setting of Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park as part of the 75th anniversary celebration of the founding of the park. The concert will take place on Saturday, June 13th at 3 pm. Due to limitations in the amount of parking available at the concert site, the event will be restricted to those having purchased a vehicle pass in advance. Vehicle passes may be purchased by calling the KSO Box Office at 865-291-3310; only two passes will be issued per person. The cost of the event is $25 for vehicles with up to a 15-passenger capacity and $50 for vehicles with a capacity greater than 15 passengers. Concert-goers are encouraged to carpool and bring chairs and/or blankets. NOTE: The deadline for purchasing passes is June 3rd!
The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Music Director Lucas Richman, will be joined by U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander who will perform as piano soloist. The concert will consist of pop and light classical pieces including The Star Spangled Banner, Williams’ Overture to The Cowboys, Foster’s Beautiful Dreamer, Ungar’s Ashokan Farewell, America the Beautiful, selections from Rodgers’ Sound of Music and more. Additionally, the orchestra will also perform the world premiere of local composer James Carlson’s Off Trail In The Smokies, commissioned by the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra specifically for this concert. Soprano Katy Wolfe Zahn will be performing with the orchestra.