As a child, I sadly witnessed the end of locally available passenger service. But despite being a frequent air traveler as an adult, I, like many others, have held onto that fascination with travel by rail. And if you have ever traveled and experienced the efficiency of the rail network in Europe, you wonder why anyone would want to do anything else for short trips.

You’re probably saying, “Wait a dang minute…there is no rail service from here!” And you would be correct. The closest route to Knoxville is Amtrak’s Crescent, which operates daily from New Orleans to New York City. The route north goes through Atlanta and points in South Carolina and North Carolina, before navigating through Virginia into the northeast corridor in Washington, D.C. I chose to drive to Charlotte, the closest station that offered the lowest combination of driving mileage/rail fare, parking, and baggage check.
Although the journey was every bit an experiment, it was an enjoyable adventure which I

1) Cost. A substantial savings over airfares, particularly when you factor in peripheral factors, such as the cost of getting to and from airports, not to mention airport parking fees. Parking at the Charlotte station was free.
2) Choice. On the long distance trains that run overnight, one has a choice of coach seating or a sleeping compartment. The sleepers offer a bit of privacy and your own toilet.
3) Coach seating legroom. I found I could stretch my legs straight out, yet barely touch the seat in front of me. Oh, frabjous day! Sadly, masochists will have to search out pain rude flight attendants ramming your elbows with a metal squashed knees when the seat in front suddenly tilts back.
4) Food. The long distance trains offer both a lounge car for drinks and snacks and a dining car with waiter service and excellent food. Dining car meals are included in the price of a sleeper.
5) Convenience and Speed. Despite the fact that only the Washington-New York segment of the Crescent route is on track improved for higher-speeds (elimination of curves and grade crossings), the train is definitely not pokey. Charlotte to New York is 600 track miles; total travel time with station stops (including 30 minutes in DC to change from a diesel engine to electric), was a little over 11 hours—an average of 55 mph. Unlike airports, train stations are generally located near midtown—so those $30-$50 airport taxi rides are unnecessary. In the Northeast corridor, door-to-door travel time compares very favorably with air travel, due to airport distances and typical flight delays. The trains I boarded left exactly on time.

7) Security. Although there are security personnel present in the stations and on the trains, passengers are not subjected to the tedious and time-consuming inconvenience of carry-on screening and personal searches. Your shoes remain where they belong--on your feet.
8) Scenery. You actually get to see some.
9) Human beings. You actually get to meet some…and talk to interesting people if you want, or be left alone. Quite surprisingly, I met a train conductor who was writing a book on Basque etymology. You won't get any vacuous “buh byes” from train personnel.
1) Time. Except for short intercity distances, particularly in the Northeast corridor, it’s going to take you longer. High-speed rail, such as the TGV in France or Japan's Shinkansen, would go a long way toward addressing this issue, but that's another discussion.
2) Just like airlines, you need to make advance reservations, particularly for the long-distance trains, and to get the lowest fare. Over the holidays, the Crescent was fully booked.
3) Availability of routes. For now, you’ll have to travel a bit to get to a station.
4) Current schedules. The Crescent has once-a-day service. The northbound train leaves Charlotte at 2am. Yes, that is an ouch.
The bottom line is this. America needs to support and expand its passenger rail service, especially into high-speed rail and for those under-200 mile intercity distances. California has already taken a major step toward implementing a high-speed system, and several states/regions have ongoing preliminary studies. Since Tennessee has few intercity airline flights, the state could really use a service like The Tennessean used to offer. The airline and airport negatives are now outweighing the positives for trips under 600 miles. However, it will take federal shoving to get the disparate efforts working together. All this aside, train travel is one of the most energy efficient modes of travel. Hopefully, though, it won’t require a return to last summer’s soaring gasoline prices to make that point clearly understood. All aboard!